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​I live in Cincinnati. I've got three dogs, Max, Shadda and Chewy, all rescues (see them in my "The Usual Suspects" photo gallery, along with their friends). I spent most of my life pursuing a career in art while doing a variety of jobs to pay the bills. I love reading, always have.


In 2010, I was working for the Census as an assistant crew leader. One of the workers who turned in their work to me confessed to having written a novel. I asked to read it because I was bored with the usual offerings at the library.


He liked my feedback and asked me to help him edit the book for the popular fiction market.  It didn't go well. I said tomato, he wrote asparagus. I said "cut this", he said, "I can't live without it!" I gave up on this talented but perverse man after two months. The experience taught me that I knew something about fiction, and I really, really wanted to prove it (Tomato! NOT asparagus!). So I made a bet with myself that I could write a novel.


I spent four months scribbling on a stack of small, newsprint drawing tablets. I wrote about what I knew (the dog park) and what I love (my dogs and my friends). I thought about everything I loved in books: real people, warmth, humor, a few chills and a good dollop of romance.


The result surprised me. It surprised my mother (another avid reader), who insisted I get an agent. I said, "To heck with that" and became an Indy publisher.


My only goal is to entertain you. I'm hoping you'll let me continue to do so.

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